Hi everyone,

just to clarify: libxfce4ui is not really used that much by panel plugins (apart from their properties dialogs), but by applications. One of the bigger remaining applications to be ported before 4.14 was Ristretto, but it has since seen a Gtk3 release (v0.10.0). That was one of the reasons to leave Gtk2 support in the codebase and also enabled by default.

We also have a list upstream which we tried to keep up-to-date during the 4.14 cycle, where you can see that some plugins or apps are still unported.
The notes, time-out and mail-watch plugins as well as xfburn (although there is some WIP stuff).
https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.14/roadmap (toward the bottom of the page)

During the 4.16 cycle we will drop Gtk2 support upstream.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 12:17 AM Mukundan Ragavan <nonamedotc@gmail.com> wrote:

On 9/17/19 6:12 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> So, I finally looked more closely... the problem is that we should be
> building against glade and not glade3.
> glade3 -> old gtk2/python2 based version.
> glade -> "current" gtk3/python3

That's not confusing at all. :)

> Here's a libxfce4ui with glade instead of glade3:
> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=37711717
> and one with glade and no gtk2:
> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=37711841
> I think all the plugins have moved now... or at least I can't seem to
> find any via queries, but I might be missing something.
> Can you all see any gtk2 plugins?

I will have to check. I had a list somewhere ...

> If not, we should change libxfce4ui and any other ones in the stack that
> depend on glade3 to glade and let glade3 go away. :)
> Thoughts?

This is a good time to do it. I can rebuild the relevant packages (i.e.
all xfce stack since this is libxfce4ui we are talking about) and submit
a huge update before F31 final.

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