
I'd like to also add the following apps:

- PnMixer for sound management (500 k), as PulseAudio has never will have tray app
- epdfview (407 k)
- atop (100 k) - not a must, but very versatile, multifunctional top-like app
- gnote (if it's not added - 3 megs)
- As we have Asunder, maybe good idea to have Easytag (5 megs), or Tagtool (870k)
- Fpm2 - lightweight password manager (362 k)
- mtpaint as image editor, because gimp is too big (570 k, no deps, pygtk)



2013/5/19 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com>
On Sun, 19 May 2013 18:41:36 +0200
Zoltan Hoppar <hopparz@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to suggest the following applications:
> - Turpial

That pulls in some other packages, but it's still pretty small.

> - Pulsecaster (it's not a must)

this is small and doesn't seem to pull much off hand.

> - Gnome font viewer, to install, view and handle fonts

Good idea.

> +1: I'd like to know that the drop-down terminal will be available?
> Eg.
> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/how-to-use-xfce4-terminal-06x-as-drop.html

yes, I have enabled it as soon as it landed. ;)


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