I'd like to suggest the following applications:

- Turpial
- Pulsecaster (it's not a must)
- Gnome font viewer, to install, view and handle fonts

+1: I'd like to know that the drop-down terminal will be available? Eg. http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/how-to-use-xfce4-terminal-06x-as-drop.html



2013/5/13 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com>
ok. I dropped firefox. ;)


* midori is the Xfce browser

* midori should be at least sufficent for browsing from the live media
  even for people who don't like it full time.

* Folks can install firefox after they install from media easily.

* This gives us a fair bit of room so we don't have to scramble to fix
  things for a while, while still fitting on a 700mb media.

* We could look at adding some more carefully selected things we are
  missing. Suggestions? (note that we don't want to pull in perl or
  xulrunner again).

* If there's too much negative feedback we can revert this and drop
  midori/webkitgtk (which will put us very very close to over again,
  but should just barely fit).


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