On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Charlie Kravetz <cjk@teamcharliesangels.com> wrote:

An onscreen keyboard is an absolute requirement for those who need it.
If the individual trying to see what's new can't access the cd, what
good is it? Doesn't that say to that individual "go find a cd you can
use, and forget using fedora".

I am not sure what the use case for on screen keyboard is (Some kind of tablet maybe), but not many people are using a LiveCD for there every day work.
I will normally be used for testing, showcasing or for doing a fast XFCE install, and when installed, you can install the application to fit your needs.
A LiveCD has limited storage and will not fit every need out there, but I don't think it will scare people away from using XCFE or Fedora, because the liveCD don't have and 
onscreen keyboard, but it is only  1.4M, so it is not a big deal to leave it on the LiveCD.
