Hi all,

Brock's email thread about DVD installation media kind of branched into a sub-thread about Fedora Xfce documentation. I just wanted to point out that we already have some documentation of the Xfce desktop and applications included in the Xfce Spin in the Fedora User Guide (http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/14/html/User_Guide/index.html), almost as much as we have for GNOME and KDE, in fact.

I'll be trying to update this material for Xfce 4.8 in time for Fedora 15. Brock mentioned that he would like to write an introductory guide for Xfce in Fedora, which would be great - it would presumably be more substantial than existing documentation, and it would be nice to have all the Xfce documentation collected in one place rather than mixed in with GNOME and KDE stuff, as it is at the moment. However, I'm concerned about duplication of effort. Should we simply remove the Xfce material from the User Guide and point people towards the new introductory guide? Or is there sufficient reason to keep some Xfce documentation in the User Guide?

I would strongly recommend making the new guide part of the Fedora Docs Project, so it can join the central online repository for Fedora documentation
(http://docs.fedoraproject.org), and be easily translated by the Localisation teams using Transifex. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Docs_Project for more info - documentation is marked up using Docbook XML and managed with the awesome Publican toolchain, but if you'd prefer to use the wiki or even just plain text for the introductory guide I'd be happy to do the XML/git/Publican bits.

Best wishes