I had exactly the same problem. Once I activated netplugd peth0 vanished, and didn't come back, even after netplugd was disabled.
Have you tried to disable selinux via boot param "selinux=0"? This seemed to help some other users.
hope this helps.

On 4/18/06, Daniel Messina <dmessina@cise.ufl.edu > wrote:
I added netplugd into my startup services and rebooted.  Not sure how, but peth0 and vif0.0 disappeared, leaving eth0 and vif1.0.

brctrl showed a setup resembling a previous post on this same topic.

xenbr0   ...   vif1.0

I added eth0 to the bridge.  The result is a working domU, but at the expense of dom0's network connection, which ceased at this point.

Currently I am using a seperate machine to vnc into the origninal, and will try to get vif0.0 to reappear

On 4/18/06, Daniel Messina <dmessina@cise.ufl.edu > wrote:
I'm trying to walk through the FC5Xen Quickstart, but keep running into this problem,

I've come accross the same problem on a x86_64 and seperate i386 machine.

After anaconda launches, I reach the Configure TCP/IP screen.   My home network is setup for DHCP.

I can't proceed past here.

Here's the output of brctl show:
xenbr0          8000.feffffffffff       yes   peth0

I have uninstalled iptables and selinux is set to permissive, trying to duplicate conditions from previous posts to no avail.

Thanks for any help!

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