Well in a hurry but you can install most any distribution you want, I have probably 5, suse, ubuntu, debian, the only one that I haven't is FreeBSD (on my to do list).  The distributions don't make it as easy to do but there are several ways to do it.  The way I have done it is to boot up one a second drive and do the installation there, then re-boot under the orginial FC5 drive and mount the second drive and copy (cp -ax) to a file.img or your partitions that you want to use.  you can also install to a partition on your existing drive but sometimes they may overwrite your orginial boot-loader.  Will provide some more detail links that will provide more information but don't have time right now..hope this helps a little right now.

On 6/2/06, Ian Kent <ikent@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi all,

It appears that I can only build FC5 guests on my FC5 machine.

Anyone have any pointers to documentation that can explain creating
guests of another distribution, such as Rawhide, on my FC5 box?


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