Yes I’ve been experiencing the same mouse problem although less noticeably when using SDL and have also had the keyboard lock up. Sofar I haven’t seen a solution to this problem.

My setup in a 2cpu dual-core machine running FC6-64. I’ve had this problem with both FC6 and windows as an unmodified guest OS.


From: [] On Behalf Of Filipe Miranda
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:52 PM
To: fedora xen
Subject: [Fedora-xen] Mouse out of sync on guest machines



After installing FC6 and the virtualization pack, I managed to install a FC6 as guest OS. No problem at all (just the fact that I had to set xm mem-set 0 256, and them xm mem-max 0 256 for the the virtual manager  to let me create the guest machines *my machine has 512RAM)

Anyway, everything worked just fine, but I noticed the the my mouse pointer is totally out of sync in either text mode or graphic mode.
Is anyone having the same issue? Or is it a bug? or a misconfiguration?


Filipe T Miranda