
My name is Joelle. I am a graduate student in interactive media applying for a GNOME Outreach internship at Fedora. Though I have read through the wiki and Fedora's website, I remain a bit uncertain of how to get started. 

First, is the project list for the past internship round still accurate for this new round?

Second, I don't know where and how to identify bugs related to these projects: Web Application Development and UX. Could you please give me the email and nick of the project leader? Is the project leader aware of the OPW program and applicants?

I have posed these questions on the #fedora-women IRC channel, but received no response. What time is best to log-on to the program's IRC channel? I live in New York, USA.

Thank you for participating in this program! And thank you for your time and help.

Joelle Fleurantin