2010/8/10 Karsten Wade <kwade@redhat.com>
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 04:25:49PM +0200, Miguel Sánchez de León Peque wrote:
> He said (something like):
> *
> I would like to offer my support to the Fedora Project.
> As free software has helped me a lot, with tools and knowledge,I wish I
> could help back to the community. That's why I would be proud to contribute
> to the project.
> I have knowledge of web design, html, php, css, flash.
> I hope I can join the project, and share with you experiences.
> Regards*

I'm wondering how we should handle multi-lingual contributions for
these core areas?

Do we segregate by language with translators in between?

> Miguel (still waiting for some feedback to my emails :-) )

Hi!  Can you remind us what feedback you want?

Just sent a self-introduction email and another email with some little patches (one of them was for an incomplete spanish translation) :-)

PS: what I told him in spanish in the "PD:" was not to use Spanish in this list.
thx - Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture
uri:               http://TheOpenSourceWay.org/wiki
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