So I've been working on a start.fpo redesign, after discussing it in this list (websites), the desktop list, the #fedora-design and #fedora-websites IRC channels, and (as an experiment) in the Fedora community subreddit.
Using all the feedback I gathered, I present you how I think the page should look like [0] (forgive my poor inkscape skills that made things not quite aligned)

Points to remember:

* The search bar is unnecessary: You can use the browser address bar/search box to search the web. Not having a search bar also removes the conflict of having a closed source search engine in our official homepage

* Statistics from various bloggers and users suggests people use and like the planet feed in the homepage, so it's here to stay.

* Announcements are useful, but we will remove devel-announce from the homepage so not to confuse the average user with developer related stuff.

* Links on how to get help, wiki, and docs should be easy to find, therefor they gained their place on the right side of the page

* Pandas are great.


-Elad Alfassa.