System: Linux #1 SMP Sat Sep 20 03:45:00 EDT 2008 i686 X Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Vendor Release: 10500000 Selinux: Enforcing Accessibility: Disabled GTK+ Theme: Nodoka Icon Theme: Fedora Memory status: size: 0 vsize: 0 resident: 0 share: 0 rss: 0 rss_rlim: 0 CPU usage: start_time: 0 rtime: 0 utime: 0 stime: 0 cutime:0 cstime: 0 timeout: 0 it_real_value: 0 frequency: 0 ----------- .xsession-errors (2499 sec old) --------------------- opera: Plug-in 6370 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6396 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6417 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6419 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6421 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6491 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6616 is not responding. It will be closed. opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins. opera: Plug-in 6678 is not respondinerror: The metadata does not have a thumbnail property --------------------------------------------------