2009/4/6 Nicu Buculei <nicu_fedora@nicubunu.ro>

>>I would include a few pixels from the pedestal, not being very happy with how the drawing is touching the bottom edge. >>Maybe also move the "coming soon" text 1 or 2px lower and maybe also the number of days a bit to the right and bottom.

This is the corrected version, could be ok? Anyway thank you for your feedbacks.

>>CC-BY is OK.
>>Not sure, crediting the author in the "PromoBanners" wiki page is enough from a legal point of view? one have to seriously >>dig in the wiki in order to find it.

I think that in "legal terms" crediting the author in the "PromoBanners" wiki is correct, but I haven't the certainty about it.

Martin Sourada wrote:
>>I'm wondering why nicu hadn't mentioned this (at least on the
    >>-art-list), but you might be interested in this one as well:
>>It's much closer to the graphics we'll probably go with for the release
>>so it might be better to use it...

I think we can use wallpaper image for the "release banner"...in this way we can have more variety on the homepage.

Paolo Leoni ~ http://pleoni.altervista.org