I know this is probably the wrong place to give feedback but I could not find a link anywhere for feedback.  Please let me know the appropriate place for feedback.
I would like to say I am interested in using Fedora but am frustrated with the new Gnome 3 desktop.  I would like the older Gnome 2/Gnome Classic desktop back.  I note there are a number of independent projects to do this (Gnome Classic http://code.google.com/p/gnome-classic/ and Blue bubble http://k3rnel.net/2011/06/22/bluebubble-the-fine-manual/ for example).
I appreciate all the work that goes into designing and building this OS for free but I think this new desktop although ingenious is very impractical and makes it harder for people to learn and use Fedora and will have a negative impact on support for Fedora as an OS and therefore on support for new development.
Could we please have a Gnome 2/Gnome Classic release of Fedora 15/16 so novices like me don't have to mess around with all sorts complications right off the bat?  I am trying to learn to use Linux with very little time available, with the intension to make the switch from MS but things like this just make that much more unlikely.  I am a software developer and would like an easy path to learn how to develop for Linux.  Time limitations is the problem the majority of people have to deal with so anything that makes using Fedora more time consuming will have a negative impact on Fedora as a popular OS.  