Hi Bryan,

I am really delighted to see you respond so fast and that is one awesome thing about open source communities.

What I wanted to convey is what I and people around me have personally felt while being part of the wget project.

Though IRCs were / are a really helpful media, but given the changing scenario, we can have the similar benefits in much more powerful ways (with support for videos, image and paintings ), the point is that a user who comes on the fedora website should not have to go searching for the IRC login (less technically savvy people don't even know what IRC is), wouldn't it be awesome if she can talk to the community (and other visitors) right from the fedora website ?

As for our website, thanks for pointing out the short comings, we are aware of those problems and will love get them resolved but currently all our efforts are focused on making the back-end infra solid and robust.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Bryan Sutherland <bryan.sutherland@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sherry,
As this has been brought up in past, the IRC network that we manage support through (freenode) already has an existing webchat client. I wouldn't expect there to be a huge rush of support away from the current method of doing things.

Additionally, there are a number of problems on your website that you are trying to send out. I have seen missing pages, bad links and typos, so generally not a good start :(


On 27 June 2013 12:22, Sherry Jindal <pr@confaber.com> wrote:

Hey Folks,

Though fedora has IRC channels, but given the changing usage pattern, it would be much useful to users if there was an on-website-IRC kind of support, were users can discuss among themselves and get doubts resolved, all from the website.

I am co-founder  at Confaber (http://confaber.com), we provide exactly that kind of service, it just needs two lines of HTML to be embedded on the website. The service is completely free of cost.

We would request you to try out our service on the fedora website. We would be happy to provide all kinds of support.

We are sure that this will be very beneficial to fedora users and developers alike.

Do let me know if you need any other info.Hope to hear from you soon.

Sherry Jindal,
Co-founder and VP Marketing,
Confaber Inc 

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