On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Máirín Duffy <duffy@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 08/29/2013 05:59 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> It's nice to have a brochure site (and I think the one we have is really
> nice!), but I'd love to have the main landing site for both contributors and
> users be more active

But users and contributors necessarily have different goals and thus
different tasks, so I'm not sure how/why one site should (or could)
serve both?

I do think having a site with two goals (users and contributors) will pose some challenges. Currently we just point folks to a landing page (join.fp.o) and they go on from there. Personally I think the main site is a brochure type site and should stay that way.
> -- something more like the Fedora Magazine site, with
> frequently-updated curated content,
> and with related sites depending on type
> of interaction.

The point behind the current www.fpo site was that the content would be
more frequently updated and curated, but the problem is that nobody
stepped up to actually do that work (despite a couple of attempts). Thus
we have pretty much all of the same exact tutorials and interviews that
I wrote for the initial G.A. in - 2009 I think? Just because the content
is stale now, doesn't mean if we redid it that it wouldn't get stale in
another 3-4 years. There is a problem with the content, sure, but it's
not the design, and I'm wary of building another one for more content to
grow stale in.

The content on the 'Using' pages is truly sad.its probably the most disappointing part of the site.
I'm on the current mindset if we can't keep it updated, let's just remove it. We could pass on this fresh content generation onto Fedora Magazine (and maybe rss feed it back to fp.o).

> 1) Create a drop-down menu on our main page, ...

I believe most of the site is using 'tabs' type design not drop downs, so 
I don't think it will 'fit' with what is already in place.

> 2) Drop the get-fedora-all page completely!

I'm not against this.

> Finally I'd like to have all spins on spins.fp.o, which means we have
to include our spin page better in our main fedoraproject.org site to
have the same effect as now.

Not sure what you mean, but it would be good to show all the available spins, even
older ones. Not sure what happened to the stats, although we had a hack in place
to have it working. We'll have to rethink that a bit without having the 
torrent info available.

> 3) Use the get-fedora page to promote all the shipping methods ...

This sorta reminds me of a new 'get-fedora-all' page.
There is definitely some improvement needed here. I do like the accordion look on opensuse [1].
What i like is that you select what you need, then find the appropriate format, as
opposed to search for format, then find what you are looking for. As a side thought,
would be nice to 'filter' by formats within the same page.

> 4) Sidebar ...

I'm not against adding other buttons ...
