Hello everyone,

My name is James and I'm from Canada. I'm an aspiring web designer and frontend developer. (Who isn't these days?!?!) I've been building websites for several years but finally decided I'd like it to become a full time job so I'm working hard on developing my skills while working full time in another industry. I'm comfortable with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and I like to work with WordPress. I'm currently learning Javascript and converting from Photoshop to Gimp/Inkscape. I love open source and I'm trying to use 100% open source tools for my development work. I love Fedora and I've been using it since Fedora 21. I tend to bounce between GNOME and Mate editions. I've wanted to contribute in some way to Fedora for a long time now but since I'm not a software developer I wasn't really sure what I could do or if I had the skills needed to contribute. I've done some basic user testing for past releases.  I'm hoping to grow and learn as a web developer while contributing in whatever way I can. (Even if it's in a really small way). I'm new to using Gitbub and some of the other aspects of the backend stuff (static generators, etc.) so I'm hoping to gain some knowledge, experience and learn some new skills.

I should also mention I love beer and music.

Looking forward to meeting more members of the websites team.

James Hawkins