2014-12-17 17:21 GMT+01:00 Ted Roche <tedroche@tedroche.com>:
This is not a problem I've had; I'm just relaying several posts I've seen from the user mailing list where people feel the site is broken. 

I'm sorry to hear you're closing down the well-known and memorable fedoraproject.org. I'm afraid a lot of bookmarks are going to break. I'd recommend you consider mapping old-to-new URLs with http 302 Permanently Moved statuses redirects instead, to help the internet understand what's happening and retain the reputation those pages have built up.

Best wishes,

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

Hi Ted,
resending this also to the list as you replied just to me.
We are aware we are breaking bookmarks and have specific apache redirects for a few pages, meta redirects for all the other pages.
Your proposal of a 302, or maybe a 301, redirect would be for sure the best, but we are not able to do that, because there are other websites living under that domain (i.e. our wiki). Also it's not really good to redirect all the single pages for all languages (about 70) to the new domain. It would work for the basic URLs which are not so much, but most of the users visit the websites with their language code.
There are also some other reasons why we can't just do a server redirect.

Anyway, I added a clear note to all pages of the old fedoraproject.org website to make clear we are redirecting the visitors to https://getfedora.org.

Kind regards.

Robert Mayr