On 2/7/06, Patrick Barnes <nman64@n-man.com> wrote:
[ snip ]
I am at UTC-6.  I can attend just about any time Saturdays and Sundays, and
can attend most times that do not conflict with 1500-0200 UTC the rest of the
week.  During those times, I can't be certain I will be able to attend, as my
work may conflict, but I can try.  I have set aside time for meetings on
Thursdays, and could set aside another hour for our meetings.

What timezone are you in?  What days and times would be best for you?

I am at UTC-6 I think it is same between the local hours of 11am and 1:30pm on any day except Sunday.

IMHO, having a meeting every week seems somewhat unnecessary, but at least it is easy to put into Korganizer.

Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes

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As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with Penguins.