On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 7:17 PM, tolgen <tolgen@o2.pl> wrote:
I need to upgrade my apache server on fedora 11. (2.2.15 Release 1F C11.1)
when i use yum to update httpd, the answers is no new packet.
How can i download the package?

websites mailing list

Hello Robert.
First of all, the webmaster email is not a support mailing list. See this page on how to get help: https://fedoraproject.org/en/get-help
And much more important thing: Fedora 11 is not supported anymore. Each Fedora release is supported for about 1 year, and Fedora 11 was released way before that. Because of that, Fedora 11 no longer receives any updates at all (not even security updates). I recommend you upgrade to the latest and greatest version of fedora, which is Fedora 17.

-Elad Alfassa.