2014/1/16 Eduardo Mayorga Téllez <mayorga@fedoraproject.org>
Hello folks!

I just bring up an idea I had some time ago. Since Youtube now has a new feature that allow us add closed captions to videos, and even to various languages, I think that we could take advantage of this and transcribe them.

Transifex supports .srt files, so we could upload to Tx the captions for l10n. :-)

I found a tool for this propose: Jubler

Any thoughts?

That's a great idea, Mayorga :-D

Marcel Ribeiro Dantas,
Biomedical Engineering Researcher at LAIS
Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Healthcare (LAIS-HUOL)

mribeirodantas at fedoraproject.org
mribeirodantas at lais.huol.ufrn.br

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