

VDSM have realized the feature of thin provision in its released version.


Volumes have 2 major properties:

1.   type - How are the bits written to the underlying volume.

o    raw - means a simple raw access a write to offset X will be written on offset X

o    qcow2 - means that the storage will be accessed as a qcow2 image and all that this entails

2.   allocation - How should VDSM allocated the storage

o    preallocated - VDSM will try it's best to guaranty that all the storage that was requested is allocated right away. Some storage configuration may render preallocation pointless.

o    sparse/thin provision - space will be allocated for the volume as needed


As is known to all, thin provision means allocating the disk space once the instance writes the data on the area of volume in the first time. The size of the disk will be increasing even though we have deleted the file in the instance.


With the latest feature of qemu, the disk can be shrinked. Ref link: http://dustymabe.com/2013/06/11/recover-space-from-vm-disk-images-by-using-discardfstrim/


Does VDSM have any plan for this?





Xiaozhen Qi

Huawei Technologies Co.,LTD.

IT Product Line CloudOS PDU

China, Xi'an

Mobile: +86-13609283376

Email: qixiaozhen@huawei.com