PYTHON=python XGETTEXT=xgettext MSGINIT=msginit MSGFMT=msgfmt LOCALES=en_US en_CA TMP_LOCALE_DIR=tmp_locale .SILENT: # don't echo commands executed # Step 1 of translation create-pot: for p in $(filter-out $(EXCLUDES), $(wildcard *.py)) ; do \ echo Generating Portable Object Template for $$p with $(XGETTEXT); \ $(XGETTEXT) --language=Python --keyword=_ --output=`basename $$p .py`.pot $$p; \ done # Step 2 of translation. create-po: for p in $(filter-out $(EXCLUDES), $(wildcard *.pot)) ; do \ for l in $(LOCALES) ; do \ echo "Generating Portable Object(s) for locale $$l from $$p with $(MSGINIT)"; \ $(MSGINIT) --no-translator --output-file=`basename $$p .pot`-$$l.po --input=$$p --locale=$$l; \ done \ done echo "Please send the .po files to a translation center for translation, place the resulting files \ back in this directory, and then run the makemo target." # Step 3 of translation create-mo: for l in $(LOCALES) ; do \ echo "Generating .mo for $$l with $(MSGFMT) and placing results in $(TMP_LOCALE_DIR)/$$l/LC_MESSAGES"; \ mkdir -p $(TMP_LOCALE_DIR)/$$l/LC_MESSAGES; \ $(MSGFMT) --output-file=$(TMP_LOCALE_DIR)/$$l/LC_MESSAGES/`basename *-$$l.po -$$l.po`.mo *-$$l.po; \ done test: # To run this simple test... # 1. Run create-pot # 2. Run create-po # 3. Edit the "version" msgstr in rhevm-iso-uploader-en_CA.po with some sort of fake message # 4. Run this target LC_MESSAGES=$PWD/$(TMP_LOCALE_DIR)/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES; LANG=en_CA; python --version man: gzip -c rhevm-iso-uploader.8 > rhevm-iso-uploader.8.gz all: man $(PYTHON) -m compileall -x $(EXCLUDES) . $(PYTHON) -OO -m compileall -x $(EXCLUDES) . clean: rm -rf *.pyc *.pyo *~ *.po *.pot $(TMP_LOCALE_DIR)