ovirt-engine  version 3.4.0 RC3   qemu-kvm  version 1.6.1    vdsm version 4.14.6 
 libvirt version  1.1.3

 messages as follow:
Apr  3 22:30:48 localhost vdsm vm.Vm ERROR vmId=`a4ea786e-2c1c-4159-86e0-
8744c54b3bbe`::The vm start process failed#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012  File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 2249, in _startUnderlyingVm#012    self._run()#012  File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 3170, in _run#012    self._connection.createXML(domxml, flags),#012  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 92, in wrapper#012    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)#012  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 2920, in createXML#012    if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateXML() failed', conn=self)#012libvirtError: unsupported configuration: spice graphics are not supported with this QEMU
Apr  3 22:30:50 localhost vdsm vm.Vm WARNING vmId=`a4ea786e-2c1c-4159-86e0-8744c54b3bbe`::trying to set state to Powering down when already Down
Apr  3 22:30:50 localhost vdsm root WARNING File: /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/a4ea786e-2c1c-4159-86e0-8744c54b3bbe.com.redhat.rhevm.vdsm already removed
Apr  3 22:30:50 localhost vdsm root WARNING File: /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/a4ea786e-2c1c-4159-86e0-8744c54b3bbe.org.qemu.guest_agent.0 already removed

libvirtd.log as follow:
2014-04-04 02:30:48.363+0000: 988: debug : virStorageFileGetMetadata:1090 : path=/rhev/data-center/mnt/ format=1 uid=107 gid=107 probe=0
2014-04-04 02:30:48.363+0000: 988: debug : virStorageFileGetMetadataRecurse:1022 : path=/rhev/data-center/mnt/ format=1 uid=107 gid=107 probe=0
2014-04-04 02:30:48.366+0000: 988: debug : virStorageFileGetMetadataInternal:770 : path=/rhev/data-center/mnt/, fd=25, format=1
2014-04-04 02:30:48.422+0000: 988: debug : virStorageFileGetMetadata:1090 : path=/rhev/data-center/mnt/ format=1 uid=107 gid=107 probe=0
2014-04-04 02:30:48.422+0000: 988: debug : virStorageFileGetMetadataRecurse:1022 : path=/rhev/data-center/mnt/ format=1 uid=107 gid=107 probe=0
2014-04-04 02:30:48.425+0000: 988: debug : virStorageFileGetMetadataInternal:770 : path=/rhev/data-center/mnt/, fd=25, format=1
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuProcessStart:3710 : Preparing monitor state
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuProcessStart:3742 : Assigning domain PCI addresses
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:03.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:02.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:04.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:05.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:01.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressGetNextSlot:2264 : PCI slot 0000:00:01 already in use
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressGetNextSlot:2264 : PCI slot 0000:00:02 already in use
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressGetNextSlot:2264 : PCI slot 0000:00:03 already in use
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressGetNextSlot:2264 : PCI slot 0000:00:04 already in use
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressGetNextSlot:2264 : PCI slot 0000:00:05 already in use
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressGetNextSlot:2307 : Found free PCI slot 0000:00:06
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:06.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:03.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:02.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:04.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:05.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveAddr:2108 : Reserving PCI slot 0000:00:01.0 (multifunction='off')
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuProcessStart:3747 : Building emulator command line
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : virArchFromHost:176 : Mapped x86_64 to 29 (x86_64)
2014-04-04 02:30:48.457+0000: 988: debug : qemuBuildCommandLine:7655 : conn=0x7fded815c5a0 driver=0x7fded814f0d0 def=0x7fdec800a040 mon=0x7fdec8006cf0 json=1 qemuCaps=0x7fdec80020b0 migrateFrom=(null) migrateFD=-1 snapshot=(nil) vmop=0
2014-04-04 02:30:48.467+0000: 988: error : qemuBuildGraphicsSPICECommandLine:7171 : unsupported configuration: spice graphics are not supported with this QEMU
2014-04-04 02:30:48.467+0000: 988: debug : qemuProcessStop:4129 : Shutting down VM 'xp' pid=0 flags=2
2014-04-04 02:30:48.482+0000: 988: debug : qemuProcessKill:4088 : vm=xp pid=0 flags=5
2014-04-04 02:30:48.482+0000: 988: debug : virProcessKillPainfully:269 : vpid=0 force=1
2014-04-04 02:30:48.482+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainCleanupRun:2257 : driver=0x7fded814f0d0, vm=xp
2014-04-04 02:30:48.482+0000: 988: debug : qemuProcessAutoDestroyRemove:4656 : vm=xp
2014-04-04 02:30:48.482+0000: 988: debug : virCloseCallbacksUnset:165 : vm=xp, uuid=a4ea786e-2c1c-4159-86e0-8744c54b3bbe, cb=0x7fdee1118c50
2014-04-04 02:30:48.482+0000: 988: debug : qemuDomainObjEndJob:1165 : Stopping job: modify (async=none)