Hi Da Rock,

It will much better if you draw your network diagram or explain it because some network devices support DDNS suck as Linksys, I have found this links explain how to configure DDNS on FC4 it should be same:


I hope they are useful...

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Da Rock <rock_on_the_web@comcen.com.au> wrote:

On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 16:37 +1030, Tim wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 15:15 +1000, Da Rock wrote:
> > I have a ddns network, which does work but it needs to have the hostname
> > sent to it. Ie; dhclient -H works, but unless it is run manually the
> > forward and reverse mapping is not done by dhcpd.
> >
> > I checked that dhclient.conf has send hostname in it, but I doubt very
> > much that it is being read as I have made changes there to no effect. I
> > believe somewhere in the scripting there is an issue- the hostname
> > settings getting overridden or something.
> >
> > I've checked the man pages, and they say to only adjust dhclient.conf,
> > or add hooks. I've adjusted the hostname settings everywhere (not
> > simultaneously) to see if it'll work- ng.
> >
> > Anyone else got ddns to work here and know what's missing? BTW I'm
> > testing on a wifi connection, but I doubt thats the problem.
> Which version of Fedora are you using?  I'm guessing 8, but that's only
> a guess.  It may affect the answers you'll get.
> Post your dhclient.conf file, so people can see what you've done.
> Tell us more about your DHCP server, too.  Versions, configuration
> details, etc.
> I'm not using FC8, but I do use dynamic DNS tied in with my DHCP server,
> clients get assigned addresses, their names get entered into the local
> DNS, and I haven't had to customise their dhclient.conf files for it.

My clients send their own hostnames (there is a reason for this).
According to all information available on the matter the dhclient.conf
is where you need to set the dhclient -H option for automation. And I
have tested this option manually and it works. So what do I have to hack
to stop the stupid scripting from overriding this? Even the scripting
information says to customise the conf file... but this doesn't work.

Apparently the networking hasn't changed much since FC4, but if it
matters I'm running 8.

Waleed Harbi
If you want your goals to come true, don't sleep