On 21 Feb 2023, at 03:42, Bill Cunningham <bill.cu1234@gmail.com> wrote:

On 2/20/2023 5:29 PM, George N. White III wrote:
On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 9:58 PM Bill Cunningham <bill.cu1234@gmail.com> wrote:
Well I was finally able to get the right cli option into the cli to
activate the wifi and I got no wifi found. Wifi was showing up with the
rest of the connections, I tried another command and got this,

disconnected  none          missing  enabled  missing  enabled

Something is not right, I have no idea what to do. Is this a systemd
issue? What does this mean?

It would be helpful to know details of your wifi hardware, fedora version, and
current kernel.  A number of Fedora users were caught out because they missed
updates to wifi modules required for 6.x kernels.   For people whose only access
to internet is via wifi, sorting this can be tricky.

George N. White III

The thing I don't get is the net install I used installed, so there was something there at one point, that connected. Now, it's evidently not there. No I don't have ethernet access right now so wifi is all I have.

Can you obtain a usb ethernet adapter to help get connected to sort out installs for wifi?



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