Hi there,


the following code fails on my fedora 17 box:








PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysqli_init() in /home/gbuday/public_html/init.php on line 3


doing a grep around php –i,  /etc/php.ini and /etc/php.d/ I get a seemingly ok configuration, see below. My versions of php and mysql are


$ php --version

PHP 5.4.6 (cli) (built: Aug 20 2012 11:30:18)

Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies

$ mysql --version

mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.27, for Linux (i686) using readline 5.1


What other files I should look for the problem? How can I make mysqli work?


I have the following php and mysql packages installed:


$ rpm -qa|egrep '(mysql|php)'
















- Gergely


php –i:


'--with-mysqli=shared,mysqlnd' in configuration




MysqlI Support => enabled

Client API library version => 5.5.27

Active Persistent Links => 0

Inactive Persistent Links => 0

Active Links => 0

Client API header version => 5.5.27

MYSQLI_SOCKET => /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


Directive => Local Value => Master Value

mysqli.allow_local_infile => On => On

mysqli.allow_persistent => On => On

mysqli.default_host => no value => no value

mysqli.default_port => 3306 => 3306

mysqli.default_pw => no value => no value

mysqli.default_socket => no value => no value

mysqli.default_user => no value => no value

mysqli.max_links => Unlimited => Unlimited

mysqli.max_persistent => Unlimited => Unlimited

mysqli.reconnect => Off => Off


/etc/php.ini :


; Maximum number of persistent links.  -1 means no limit.

; http://php.net/mysqli.max-persistent

mysqli.max_persistent = -1


; Allow accessing, from PHP's perspective, local files with LOAD DATA statements

; http://php.net/mysqli.allow_local_infile

mysqli.allow_local_infile = On


; Allow or prevent persistent links.

; http://php.net/mysqli.allow-persistent

mysqli.allow_persistent = On


; Maximum number of links.  -1 means no limit.

; http://php.net/mysqli.max-links

mysqli.max_links = -1


; If mysqlnd is used: Number of cache slots for the internal result set cache

; http://php.net/mysqli.cache_size

mysqli.cache_size = 2000


; Default port number for mysqli_connect().  If unset, mysqli_connect() will use

; the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT or the mysql-tcp entry in /etc/services or the

; compile-time value defined MYSQL_PORT (in that order).  Win32 will only look


; http://php.net/mysqli.default-port

mysqli.default_port = 3306


; Default socket name for local MySQL connects.  If empty, uses the built-in

; MySQL defaults.

; http://php.net/mysqli.default-socket

mysqli.default_socket =


; Default host for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode).

; http://php.net/mysqli.default-host

mysqli.default_host =


; Default user for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode).

; http://php.net/mysqli.default-user

mysqli.default_user =


; Default password for mysqli_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode).

; Note that this is generally a *bad* idea to store passwords in this file.

; *Any* user with PHP access can run 'echo get_cfg_var("mysqli.default_pw")

; and reveal this password!  And of course, any users with read access to this

; file will be able to reveal the password as well.

; http://php.net/mysqli.default-pw

mysqli.default_pw =


; Allow or prevent reconnect

mysqli.reconnect = Off



/etc/php.d $ cat mysql.ini

; Enable mysql extension module
