I've spent a number of hours trying all kinds of things I've found on web, but not getting anywhere. Probable something simple.

Download 64 web pages into a single file using wget2. That is fine.

file allraw.uog
allraw.uog: HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines
File is about 13M (have no control of the source file)
Have a simple CPP program that files lines that have special utf-8 characters. Would extract that code and printed output to screen directly and shows correct utf characters. But If I redirect file to file name and open it, many of the utf-8 characters show up as wrong extended ascii character for first byte and then weird code? Both in gedit and geany??
Modified program to write output directly to a file and if I use cat the output displays the correct utf-8, but again if I open file in gedit or geany it shows a a corrupted mix of extended ascii??
$ ./findnoascii2 allraw.uog
Think this is the issue, but no ideal how to fix it.
$ file allraw.uog.out
allraw.uog.out: Non-ISO extended-ASCII text

The file actually contains the correct utf-8 data, and looking at it with hexedit shows it, but both geany and gedit open the file as extended ASCII insteat of UTF-8. Changing the encoding afterward to UTF-8 does nothing.
Don't se options? Again, probable something simple..

Using cat to display out is fine.
Line number position in line hexcode of first chacter then character and a file more characters.
 1881   110 c2bb   »&nbsp;<s
 1881   196 c2bb    »&nbsp;
 2266   285 c2a0    L. <span
 2266   879 e2809c “Communi
 2266   954 e2809d ” of the
 3090   556 e280ba ›</a></l
 3090   655 c2bb   »</a></li
 3134    46 c8a7   ȧt</span>
 3134    83 c3a5   åhan</spa
 3245   150 c2a9      ©</a>

Same lines from geany?
 1881   110 c2bb   »&nbsp;<s
 1881   196 c2bb    »&nbsp;
 2266   285 c2a0    L. <span
 2266   879 e2809c â??Communi
 2266   954 e2809d â? of the
 3090   556 e280ba â?º</a></l
 3090   655 c2bb   »</a></li
 3134    46 c8a7   ȧt</span>
 3134    83 c3a5   Ã¥han</spa
 3245   150 c2a9      ©</a>
