I have a real interesting problem.  Note this worked great before I had to reformat/reinstall.  I have a Netgear Wireless G PC Card for my laptop. I have the madwifi driver compiled and installed.  I put this in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file:

iwconfig ath0 essid Qf734EdTu8W
iwpriv ath0 mode 3
iwconfig ath0 key 684D083EECE11F6DC18D187749
iwconfig ath0
route add default gw

However, when I boot into Fedora, it doesn't connect unless I take out the PC Card, put it back in, and then give it the essid and iwpriv commands again.  It then connects.  Anyone have any ideas?  I thought perhaps I'm missing something in my custom kernel (2.6.13) I made. But I have all modules for PC Card support and such.