funny as I tried to connect from a Fedora box to another Fedora box, and immediately after I allowed connection, connection was closed. Firewall is open for vnc-server on both machines, that is a workstation setup. What is wrong with vinagre/my setup?? So  can connect from Fedora to Rasperry boxes, but not between Fedora boxes or from Raspberry to Fedora
Antonio Montagnani

Linux Fedora 32
da/from Gmail

Il giorno mer 9 set 2020 alle ore 23:04 William Oliver <> ha scritto:
On Wed, 2020-09-09 at 22:15 +0200, antonio montagnani wrote:
> I can connect from my Fedora laptop to my 2 Rasperry's with no
> issues,
> they can connect each other with vinagre and vnc, but I cannot
> connect
> from either Raspberry to my Fedora laptop with vinagre, as soon as I
> give permission to connect, connection is closed. Any idea??? no
> difference if firewall is active or disactivated
> --
> Antonio Montagnani
> Linux Fedora 32 (Workstation)
> sudo su

Funny you should mention that.  I just installed vinagre on my box this
morning.  The server is a CentOS 7 box, my client is Fedora 32.

I had the following problems:

1) Initially, it seemed to be set up to connect using ssh rather than
vnc.  I had assumed vnc by default.  RTFM, and all that.

2) I ran it with the wrong port.  I happened to get the display number
right, through no fault of my own.

3) When I set up the server, it didn't have a user defined.  It
*seemed* like the service started fine, but it kept crashing. When I
started the service and looked at the error message, "user <USER>
doesn't exist"

So, I put this in /etc/rc.local
su -c "vncserver -depth 32 geometry 1024x768" <username>

4) At least then, a window came up, but it was not interactive. It
didn't crash, but I got a blank screen without the ability to type or
use the mouse.  Turned out that my server didn't have a graphical
interface installed. I installed KDE on the server, and had it come up
with a default graphic interface.

Then it worked.

So, after making about all the possible mistakes that one can make
installing this thing, it finally worked.


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