Yeah man, mem is pretty cheap these days. Just invest in a stick of 128. Or if ya like I can sell ya one for cheap.

On 9/4/05, oldman <> wrote:
Robin wrote:

>Hi All,
>This is more of a note then a problem.. I have noticed this posted to
>the list a few times (I searched the archives), but right before the
>install begins in Graphics Mode after I give the go ahead that I have
>the 4 required disks, I get an error that indicates that not enough
>memory can be allocated and Anaconda Reboots the system.
>As stated before the only solution is to do the install in Text mode
>(which is proceeding as I write).  My suggestion is to improve the
>memory management of Anaconda.
>By the way I am using a Pentium 4 2.8GHz, w/ 96 MB of RAM.
    The release notes of every FC distro clearly states:

      3.3. Memory Requirements

This section lists the memory required to install Fedora Core 4.

This list is for 32-bit x86 systems:


      Minimum for text-mode: 64MB


      Minimum for graphical: 192MB


      Recommended for graphical: 256MB


>Just thought I would let you know.

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