Thanks for your prompt response.  I must have been a little unclear, because I did not ask what the pound sign stood for.  I will try to formulate a different question and get back to you.  And I read the guidelines prior to posting, which mostly said check if someone else has had your problem.  I could not find an appropriate answer there.  If I there was an answer there, could you please point me to it?  If you need more info, I am happy to provide that, too.

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Mikkel <> wrote:
On 02/21/2010 05:04 PM, ooran dayo wrote:
> Hi.  Any help will be much appreciated.  I have installed Fedora 12 on
> an i386 machine using CD ROM for i386 from
> <>.  The install proceeded in limited graphic
> mode (assuming this is what the blue screen with grey box with words in
> the middle indicates).  I noticed that the packages being installed
> indicate i686 architecture (including the kernel).  Then, when it is
> finished installing packages, it reboots to text screen (no graphics)
> requesting login and password.  Logging in as root gives me the su
> prompt.  No where does it request for me to insert additional cds (such
> as the second through fifth installation disks).  Can you help me to
> understand why it loaded i686 instead of i386 (I checked the files which
> I downloaded and they say i386 on them) and why it does not ask for
> additional installation media after disk 1?
> Also, I tried all other install options including install available on
> first install page including the rescue option.
> Thank you for any support you can provide.
It loaded the i686 files because your processor supports the 686
code, and the 686 code in those packages are more efficient then the
386 code. As far as I know, they did not make systems with a i386
(80386) processor that had enough memory to even install Fedora 12.

The # prompt indicates that you are running as root. It is the same
prompt if you log in as root, or su to root.

As for the rest of your questions, it would probably help in getting
an answer if you read the list guidlines first, and then post your

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