I previously had graphics card problems so there is quite a history of uninstall / reinstall this and that. But each time you run dnf, it should be checking dependencies, am I not right?

Is there a way to check whether I installed something with the -f force option?

And perhaps a way to clear out any -f flags or settings, just to make sure that is not a cause?

On May 30, 2017 5:51:11 AM EDT, Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@greshko.com> wrote:
On 05/30/17 17:28, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 05/30/17 17:15, Rick Leir wrote:
It seems that Fedora 26 allowed me to have KDM and LightDM installed
without gdm, gnome-shell, and mutter.
I had a crash while attempting to login using LightDM:

Of course F26 is still in Alpha. So, if you managed to get LightDM
installed without its dependencies you should report this on the
fedora-test list.

Sorry to reply to myself.... But I misread the original post. And, I
am currently trying to reproduce....

Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com