On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 at 03:44, Anil Felipe Duggirala <anilduggirala@fastmail.fm> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 4, 2022, at 7:04 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 06:11:24PM -0500, Anil Felipe Duggirala wrote:
>> I will ask this question here since I didn't understand the explanations I
>> found elsewhere. Until when will Fedora 34 be supported?
> Until 4 weeks after the Fedora Linux 36 release. That's currently scheduled
> for 2022-04-19, which makes EOL for Fedora Linux 34 2022-05-17.

Thanks for that clarification Matthew, I guess I will upgrade soon then. I always wonder if upgrading is as good as performing a clean installation (that's an additional question).

I use Fedora and Debian unstable for "future proofing" workflows that will be used on LTS systems.
A fresh install is needed every few releases as "orphaned" cruft that updating doesn't remove accumulates.  
Debian's aptitude has a category for "obsolete and locally created" packages that catches most of those. 

Upgrading generally preserves configurations and "locally created" packages, so workflows may run on
after an update but need extra work after a fresh install.

> I'm curious where you found the explanations that were confusing, and how we
> could improve them.

Well, I did a search asking something for "Fedora release support" and didn't get much.
Then I consulted this site, https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/releases/lifecycle/
That site says exactly what you confirmed (13 months after the release). However I got a bit confused in the section called Maintenance schedule where it says "''Release n'' is supported until four weeks after the release of ''Release M+2''". I didn't know if 'n' and 'M' were the same thing here.

Its all clear to me now though,
thanks a lot,

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