Just download yum repo rpm from adobe, then use yum to install flash-plugin. if you have nvidia graphics maybe you can have blue print on you tube. Of course delete libflashplayer.so from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin directory. If I remember well there is some avc denial in selinux when you manualy

On Aug 20, 2012 10:05 PM, "Hiisi" <hiisi@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 20 August 2012 19:23, Jim <binarynut@comcast.net> wrote:
> F17,  Firefox won't play flash videos.
> Firefox-14.0.1
> flashplayer-plugin-11.2 r202
> libflashplayer.so link is in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
> What is the RPM command to determine what dependencies  Firefox and
> flashplayer-plugin  uses .

I've been using fedorautils to install flash plugin. It takes care of
all the necessary dependencies.

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