Anne Wilson wrote:
On Monday 01 January 2007 13:09, wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Monday 01 January 2007 11:14, wrote:
Matt C wrote:
So, I think 10GB Disk space for install all packages is ok ?
10GB is good for the root partition.  Depending on what you're using the
machine for, you might also want 20GB for /home.
Sorry, what useful for root partition ?
Edward, mine is a very average install - nowhere near everything.  'df -h'
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb1              12G  4.7G  6.7G  42% /

I think you are going to need more space than you originally thought if
you want such a lot installed.

All of the packages around 4.xGB size ?

Yes, at this moment, but that doesn't show any indication of /temp usage, 
which can be quite high from time to time.

BTW, how about of your swap partition ?

1GB.  I had only 512MB on FC4 and it never caused me any problems.  It was 
rarely used.
1GB swap size for 512MB actual mem ?
So, your formula is swap = actual mem * 2 ( 2x) , right ?
