ok, I've got to reinstall my system due to new hardware (32-64 bit) and wanted to see what F11 was like, whilst being able to keep on using my slightly broken f10 installtion in the mean time.. I don't really understand why it's using the UUID, I've just got two versions of fedora on two drives and would just like them to boot.

The F11 isn't a reinstall, it's a first time install on a clean drive.


2009/9/18 jackson byers <byersjab@gmail.com>
> I've got a machine with three hard-drives in it. two sata and one ide. I've a fedora 10 (upgraded
> from 9) on the first sata drive, and I've installed fedora 11 on the second sata drive. The machine
> boots off the first of these drives and the ide one contains windows. I copied the lines out of
 > grub.conf on the f11 disk, and copied them to the grub.conf of the
first disk,
 > andreinstalled.
> However, f10 boots fine, f11 doesn't boot. and grub gives me an error 17.

why did you reinstall ?
If I am not mistaken ,
that will generate a new different UUID
and then the old stanza willl fail.


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