On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:08 AM Danishka Navin <danishka@gmail.com> wrote:

How to get the correct wacm tablet driver for fedora 36/37?
Are their any I use fedora 36 with gnome, any specific settings available?

Quoting Bing:

Wacom does not offer a Linux driver directly, but there is a Linux driver available
for most Wacom devices at the Linux Wacom Project on Github. Many Linux
distributions come with the driver pre-installed, so first try attaching your device
to your Linux machine to see if it works.

Use dnf search wacom to list Fedora packages.  You didn't mention if you use Wayland.
I last used my Wacom device around Fedora 35, and had to use an X11 session, but for
help, <https://github.com/linuxwacom> is the authoritative resource.


Danishka Navin

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