Got this from Slack.

Fedora users represented a very small number of our user base. In order to ensure we're able to deliver the best possible experience for the largest number of users, it is necessary for Slack to focus our efforts and narrow our scope. Given the small number of users, we were no longer able to justify the cost of supporting Fedora.

When Fedora is deprecated, you'll still be able to access Slack but eventually your experience may degrade over time as you won't be able to update your app. Eventually, the last app version available to Fedora users will be deprecated as well.

Here's a bit more about what to expect and the deprecation:

On Sun, Nov 14, 2021, 5:21 PM Samuel Sieb <> wrote:
On 11/14/21 10:07, SternData wrote:
> This just popped up on Slack:  "Note: Starting March 1, 2022, Slack will
> no longer support Fedora Linux distributions."
> Anyone know what's going on?  And maybe interested in engaging them on
> Twitter @slackhq to ask for reconsideration?

There was a thread about this on the devel list:
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