On Mon, 1 Feb 2021 at 20:18, Paolo Galtieri <pgaltieri@gmail.com> wrote:
   for years I've been using sbackup for doing my backups.  I've tried
others and none come close to being as easy to use as sbackup. 
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any further development occurring
on it. It was written originally to work with python2 and I have managed
to get it to work with python2 on FC31 and FC32.  However, with the
removal of most of the necessary python2 packages from FC33 it no longer
works.  So I tried to get it to run under python3, and the first problem
I encountered is the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/sbin/simple-backup-config", line 30, in <module>
     import gtk.glade
ImportError: No module named glade

With python2 this module was located in


from package


This package does not exist in FC33 nor is there a corresponding package
for FC33.  So why is there no glade.so module/package for python2 or

Because the names have been changed to protect the innocent? See https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/builder.html?highlight=glade#creating-and-loading-the-glade-file.

George N. White III