On Jul 18, 2013 12:25 PM, "Patrick Lists" <fedora-list@puzzled.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> On 07/18/2013 08:50 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
>> hi gang!
>> I've put F19 on my Acer Aspire One (dual-core Atom) where it mostly runs
>> just fine.
>> but I've noticed one oddity (by no means a show-stopper) during boot:
>> when it prompts for the LUKS password (for the encrypted /home partition)
>> the box for password entry flashes on the screen, then the screen goes
>> blank for 30 seconds (or so) then the box appears again.
>> I noticed a day or two ago that if there's a bright lamp shining on the
>> screen when it is in that blank state that the box is in fact still drawn
>> there, but it appears that the screen backlight has been shut off--I can
>> still see the image of it faintly in the bright light.
>> Everything else regarding screen behavior is fine, but this one is
>> pretty consistently occurring every system boot.
>> This did not occur immediately after installation, but I first noticed
>> it only a week (or so) ago (sorry, I wasn't taking notes...) so one
>> wonders if some update has caused it.
>> Any ideas on this one?
> Iirc there have been some reports by people that they had to downgrade the xorg server package. Have you tried that?
> Other than that, the only semi-similar thing I have seen was during a recent F19 installation where after some time the screen goes blank/black (backlight goes off) and nothing would turn the screen back on. This was a kickstart install with reboot at the end so I just left it running and after a while it rebooted into a fresh F19 install.
> Regards,
> Patrick

Without X to make reading easier / faster, then using lynx how do I find F19? Or, how do I downgrade X without the ability to see what I'm doing? And in trying to fix it, I entered: video.use_bios_Initial_biacklight=0 and it asked me for extra input.