Answering my own question now.. Of course Fedora being the sensible and advanced OS it is has the framework and virsh for managing the various hypervisors and virtualization methods.  So I'm looking at how to setup the bridging under all that but still am running into the bridging support error as described below..

On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 12:55 +0900, Naoki wrote:
I'm  a tad stuck here, looking for help..  Do any Fedora users out there have pointers to Fedora specific docs (examples?) on KVM and networking ? I'm F8 but will take F7 docs.

My situation..

I have a KVM'ed OS that cannot communicate with the outside world,  I understand this is because unlike Xen, KVM does not automatically configure 'bridge networking'.

None of the Fedora docs (including beats) show any references to setting up KVM networking and simple list "use  qemu-kvm". 

Upon running 'qemu-kvm' it complains with :

open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory
Could not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support

And when I attempt to load my network device as a bridge device I get :

Bringing up interface eth0:  Bridge support not available in this kernel

So I'm referring to the qemu docs for help but so far I'm finding Ubuntu specific docs and I'd rather like to get this working sooner rather than later.
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