On 29 Dec 2023, at 21:06, Tim via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

This kind of thing (lots of annoying post-install fix-ups) is why I
gave up doing upgrades, many years ago.

I have non trivia configuration that a fresh install will force me to apply again and again.
At home I have fedora running on multiple machines, routers, file, web and imsp servers as well as development desktops. Also a lot other VMs.

But I do keep all config and custom scripts in source control against the day I have to fresh install.

I do fresh installs, where the only thing I know I have to do is
configure the services I want to run.  It's far less mental gymnastics
of trying to figure out what got mangled, and takes me less time to do.

I only even fresh install when I have new hardware.

My experience is that few things break on updates or upgrades.
Those breaks are not that hard to fix.
