On 8/11/23 09:02, George N. White III wrote:
On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 5:54 PM Stephen Morris <samorris@netspace.net.au> wrote:
One thing that is interesting, if I use KDE's system settings to add a
printer, and I select the Epson ET3700 Series network printer entry
which uses IPP Anywhere, when I'm prompted for the driver I get offered
two Epson categories (Epson and EPSON), the second category has the
driverless driver and the first category has all the cups supplied
drivers, of which there isn't one for the printer I have. I've had the
printer for several years, but I guess it is still too new for cups to

https://openprinting.github.io/cups/ Says:

OpenPrinting CUPS

The current standards-based, open source printing system developed by OpenPrinting for Linux® and other Unix®-like operating systems. CUPS uses IPP Everywhere™ to support printing to local and network printers.

I doubt anyone will be working on legacy CUPS drivers for printers that support IPP/AirPrint/<other verndors' IPP implemenations>.
Hi George,
    I was pointing this out because I don't use the IPP Anywhere interface, and cups has never supplied drivers for my printer, I've had to always the Epson supplied driver to enable printing in Linux. This was just an observation with, when adding a printer, cups shows me two entries under the "Discovered Network Printer" section, one for IPP Anywhere and one for the "Driverless" option, where the IPP Anywhere shows two separate driver definitions for cups drivers and the driverless option, whereas the "Driverless" selection displays all drivers in the one list with the driverless driver listed first and all the cups drivers then listed in alphabetical order.


George N. White III

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