On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 7:53 PM Michael D. Setzer II via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Had the WD SSD just die in one of my 5 Home Fedora 37
machines. Reply from WD is just it is out of warranty.

I've had the same reply many times -- I always hope for a secret extension
for some known issue or a grace period at end-of-warranty.

One of the miracles of modern manufacturing is the ability to fine tune
hardware reliability to match the warranty period.  I worked in remote
sensing where large volumes of data pass through multi-stage processing
using large intermediate files.   I learned to just replace disks at end-of-warranty
because cleaning up the mess that resulted from a failed drive (sometimes due 
to ill-informed attempts to "fix" the failures by users getting advice off the internet)
cost more than the replacement drives.

The same drives can last much longer with less demanding workloads,
or fail in hours when a new user-written batch process that doesn't cleanup 
properly is started just before a long weekend when the administrators
are literally "at sea".   Overprovisioning also helps drives outlast
warranty periods.

George N. White III