On 04/30/2013 03:11 PM, Richard Vickery wrote:

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 5:28 AM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. <eoconnor25@gmail.com> wrote:
n all honesty Mr. Dineen: Absolutely Nothing! But it was fun while it lasted, as I'm sure they'll now "shut down" the topic and move on to bigger and better things! LoL!


On 04/26/2013 01:12 PM, Thomas Dineen wrote:

    I have been quietly listening in to this discussion for several days now!

   I have a simple question: What the hell dose this rant have to do with:
"Community Support For Fedora Users"??????????

Thomas Dineen

If you do shut it down, and don't want to hear about the topic, then can we PLEASE clean up our language around hacking, hackers, and "I've been hacked"? Actually, this is not a question; it's more of a kindly demand. Since we are all hackers, I have no clue what the term "I've been hacked" means. If your system becomes compromised, say so, or fix it, or ask the community to help with code, like we used to do when we broke into each other's systems. Don't bother us with your cry wolf, or I - or someone else - will be back with this line. The line "I've been hacked" sounds like the author either doesn't know how to speak or ought to get out of computers because said person doesn't know how to code.

Richard Vickery

I agree that the word "hacker" brings to mind visions of some overweight, glasses-wearing, geek living in his parent's garage, surrounded by five computers that he built from spare parts, with all manner of code running......but that's just Hollywood, in real life, as stated before, "hackers' are hired to be programmers, and to try to break commercial software while its still in testing mode, so that they can ship a product that has been put through its paces. I don't think I would have said I've been hacked, I might have gone with "compromised"...attacked....maybe even violated"?....LoL! But that's just me....