Ok, I'm on a steep learning curve here but I think I'm learning fast!
I tried following your suggestions below but:
> Well, you've got a long way. Turning off sendmail should have no effect,
> as you'd expect.
Noticed that, turned back on sendmail and corrected the System Time which is what was causing it to groan in the first place. Now error there is gone.

> Terminology: the "Fedora navy screen" is also known as the Grub menu. In
> it, highlight the Fedora kernel and press "e" to edit it. Delete "rhgb"
> and "quiet" from the line beginning "kernel", and put a " 3" there. That
> should boot you into text mode.
I looked this up but the lines in my Grub screen are:
================== BELOW THIS LINE ==================
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
initrd /initrd-2.6.9-1.667.img
================== ABOVE THIS LINE ==================
So no mention of "rhgb" or "quiet"!
To get in to command line I do:
c (for command line)
boot (gives error message about kernel, but bring me to black grub screen!)
<ESC> (brings back to Grub menu but in black!)
<ENTER> (boots to command line)
Run level is set to 3 already (in inittab). The first line reads:
Why is this not causing it to boot to command line?
> Then run
> system-config-display --reconfig
> as root.
My system does not appear to have a "system-config-display". When I type sys<TAB> it is not one of the system-config-XXX listed!
> Hope this helps,
Every little bit helps at this level!!

> James.