I see that many of you point me to centOs. The idea is interresting. However, why centOs is not as known as ubuntu. The main advantage in ubunti (in my point of view) is LTS and codecs!  Why centOS is not a commercial success?


2009/3/20 Tosh <toshlinux@gmail.com>
Adel ESSAFI wrote:
Hi list

I was using fedora and redhat since 2000. To day, I can see that our
favorite distro is really very strong. However, I have done some
experience (short) with Ubuntu and I have liked to LTS concept (Long
Term support).

My idea is to build a distribution that is based on Fedora at 100% with
1. LTS
2. with a very reduce number of packages
3. with proprietary codecs and essentiel software (mp3, flash ) included in.

I know that the variety of the open source projects are making it's
power. However, I aim to build a distribution with only one software
from each catégory. That is, I have to choose between:
*  KDE and GNOME for the destop
* rhythembox , kaffeine, ....... as media player
* abiword or openoffice as office writer

Technically, I will maintain a repository  with a reduced number of

If I get positive feed back from this list, I can start working on this
project in july

This distribution will be very useful for starter!!

Best regards



PhD candidate in Computer Science
BP 108, Bureau de poste Tunis republique
1001 Tunis
tel: +216 97 246 706
fax: +216 71 391 166

first and for all I wish to expand on the current responses
as you may kwow by now
fedora - 9 months release base - 18 months support base
centos/rhel - 4 years release base - 7 years support base

I suggest you take centos and work from there, most of the work is already done for you, and you can maybe contribute to rpmforge or my new repo to increase the package set
I hope to setup my repo this weekend, giving centos gnumeric and abiword and audacious (with mp3 support) as these are missing in rpmforge due to some dependencies that cannot be included at the moment in rpmforge
or you could go with fedora epel

imho, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, if you are not going to improve the wheel :)

Toshaan <toshlinux@gmail.com> - http://www.toshaan.be



PhD candidate in Computer Science
BP 108, Bureau de poste Tunis republique
1001 Tunis
tel: +216 97 246 706
fax: +216 71 391 166