Hi all, I read this mail and I searched on Openoffice QA to understand what is appening.
Il giorno mer, 17/06/2009 alle 16.35 +1200, Clint Dilks ha scritto:
Hi People,
Just a quick note to let those who use the version of OpenOffice from openoffice.org rather than the Fedora repo know that as of today there is a RPM version conflict that means the openoffice.org rpm openoffice.org-ure-1.5.0-9399.i586 will be updated with the Fedora Repo version of this RPM which breaks things.
Issue 102851 has been filed with openoffice.org.
The situation on my fedora 10 installation is that I use Openoffice 3.1 official packages, and yum says that i have to upgrade only the ure package:
Installed Packages openoffice.org-ure.i586 1.5.0-9399 installed Available Packages openoffice.org-ure.i386 1:3.0.1-15.6.fc10 updates
In the issue, the development team says that they wan't fix the problem. The problem is in the naming that Fedora team assign to packages.
What is the reason for Fedora to change names only for this package? I can't understand also why Openoffice devel chose version number different from the normal 3.1.xxxx
I know that an exclude option in the yum.conf is a solution, but better was if Fedora and Openoffice team found a common solution.
Bye Ambrogio