snapper (I believe this is suse's tool) can be installed on Fedora.  Unfortunately it takes a little extra work to setup the subvolumes correctly.  I found an article (on reddit?) and mine are setup as:
 sudo btrfs subvolume list /
ID 256 gen 149284 top level 5 path root
ID 257 gen 149284 top level 5 path home
ID 258 gen 149105 top level 256 path var/lib/machines
ID 260 gen 112374 top level 5 path snapshots

Then mounted as:
/dev/nvme0n1p3 248108356 94618996 151112236  39% /.snapshots

snapper can be configured to make snapshots on command, or I believe automatically with each update

On Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 5:43 PM Joe Zeff <> wrote:
On 2/25/23 14:58, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Now part of the python3-dnf-plugins-core package so you don't need a
> separate command. With the plugin installed it just runs automatically.

So when you use dnf upgrade, it  also tells you what needs restarting?
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